Conner Cube Retroreflector

also known as a retroreflector, is an optical component with the unique ability to return an incoming beam of light directly towards its point of origin regardless of the beam's angle of entry.

Product consultation
Phone:+86 19924516754

Corner cube, also known as a retroreflector, is an optical component with the unique ability to return an incoming beam of light directly towards its point of origin regardless of the beam’s angle of entry. Its three reflecting surfaces are erpendicular each to the other (like side walls of a cube) . For applications in which either the acceptance angle for TIR is exceeded, or the reflecting surfaces can not be kept sufficiently clean for TIR, a metal or dielectric coating can be applied to the reflecting surface .This prism type ideal for a wide variety of applications, such as laser resonator cavities, land surveying, ground based range-finding, satellite communications and space vehicle docking.

Standard Specs


N-BK7, Fused Silica, or other optical glass upon request


4mm to 300mm

Dimensional Tolerances



Clear Aperture

up to 90%


<λ/4 Wavefront λ/8 over the clear aperture 

Surface Quality



0.25-0.5 mm face width x 45° ± 15°




Upon request